Sustainability Corporate

CSR Code of Conduct

Basic Approach

The Kansai Electric Power Group Code of Conduct details specifically how KEPCO Group executives and employees should act, providing a foundation for decision-making in their business activities. This code is based on the Kansai Electric Power Group Management Philosophy and takes all in-house company rules as prerequisites.
KEPCO Group business activities are supported by a variety of stakeholders, including customers, shareholders and investors, business partners, employees and other members of society.
The trust we receive from these stakeholders is itself the foundation that allows us to continue fulfilling our duties and pursuing sustainable growth as the KEPCO Group.
We fulfill our duties as a member of society by acting in accordance with our Management Philosophy and always thinking about what it means to thoroughly implement compliance not only for laws and regulations, but also for the standards expected by modern society. We want to instill our various stakeholders with an unshakable trust in us by sincerely meeting their expectations for Group business activities.
Based on this mindset, we at NEWJEC conduct all of our business based on the principles outlined below, and our executives and employees all work together and combine their individual capacities, enabling the KEPCO Group to fulfill our corporate responsibilities and contribute to the sustainable development of society.

1. Thorough Compliance Implementation

Basic Policy

At NEWJEC, we practice thorough legal and ethical compliance as the foundation to all our business activities. Business results and activities are absolutely never prioritized above compliance. Moreover, anyone who raises questions or reports about issues related to compliance will not be treated unfairly in any way as a result.

Code of Conduct for Individuals

  • Act sincerely with good sense and dignity as a member of the KEPCO Group.
  • In the execution of business, abide by domestic and foreign laws and ordinances that restrict business along with other relevant legal restrictions as well as regulations established by the company and other in-house rules. Never undertake any behavior that is contrary to corporate ethics and accepted social norms.
  • Ask yourself the following questions about your conduct:
    • Will the conduct go against your own conscience?
    • Could you speak proudly to your family and loved ones about your conduct?
    • Could you confidently explain your conduct to customers and other people outside the company?
    • Do you think it is fine to simply continue on as before, under the assumption that your conduct is correct?
    • Are you trying to continue on as before even though you have doubts or feelings of discomfort about your conduct?
    When you have doubts about something or feel it is strange, have courage and report to and consult with work superiors or the Compliance Hotline.

2. Fair Business Activities

Basic Policy

At NEWJEC, we practice fair and free competition and conduct reasonable business transactions. We do not participate in bribery or other corrupt conduct with the goal of obtaining profits unfairly. Moreover, we promote responsible procurement with high levels of sustainability and transparency.

Code of Conduct for Individuals

  • Do not provide or accept inappropriate gifts or entertainment.
  • Do not do anything that presents advantages only to specific individuals or businesses.
  • Maintain healthy relationships with politicians and government administrators.
  • Resolutely refuse inappropriate demands from antisocial (criminal) forces and organizations. Respond to such demands with the fortitude of the organization rather than as an individual. Maintain no relations with such forces and organizations.

3. Appropriate Information Disclosure, Management, and Discussion

Basic Policy

At NEWJEC, we reflect the feedback of society in our business activities appropriately. In addition, we conduct open business activities with high transparency by further advancing suitable and timely information disclosure and transmission along with communication with members of society as we fulfill our explanatory duties to society with sincerity. Furthermore, we manage personal data along with other types of information appropriately.

Code of Conduct for Individuals

  • Proactively communicate with members of society.
  • Undertake efforts fairly when providing information to members of society and conducting activities to promote understanding of our business activities.
  • Gather a wide range of opinions, demands, and other feedback about our business activities from customers and members of society, share this data within the company and apply it to business improvement.
  • Manage personal data, customer data, business secrets, and other sensitive information appropriately.
  • Strictly handle records related to business.
  • When problems arise in business operations, report on the facts quickly and accurately.

4. Respect for Human Rights and Promotion of Diversity

Basic Policy

At NEWJEC, we recognize human rights as universal values shared by global society. We support international standards related to human rights and respect them in all our business activities. In addition, as we advance diversity, we will continue seeking to realize ways of working and cultivating workplace environments that enable every person to work with peace of mind and exercise their abilities to their maximum potential.

Code of Conduct for Individuals

  • Never say or do anything that is discriminatory, harassing, defamatory or taunting or that could otherwise cause another person to feel uncomfortable based on race, nationality, religion, gender, sexual orientation, sexual identity, social position, family background, occupation, disability or other personal trait. Moreover, do not sympathize with such words or behavior or allow them to pass.
  • Never be involved in any kind of forced labor or child labor.
  • Endeavor to create workplaces that make the most of diverse senses of value and that enable people to work with vigor and vitality.

5. Assurance of Safety

Basic Policy

As a business responsible for the social capital essential to our society, we will make every effort to raise awareness of safety and strive to deliver products and services safely every day.

Code of Conduct for Individuals

  • Recognize that ensuring safety is prerequisite for all business operations. Observe safety laws, regulations, and other rules, and make the assurance of safety the top priority in all activities.

6. Provision of Products and Services that Customers Choose

Basic Policy

At NEWJEC, we strive to develop and improve products and services that customers choose through innovation and other efforts, and we contribute to resolving the issues of society.

Code of Conduct for Individuals

  • With self-awareness and pride as a professional, always strive to improve service and respond to customer desires and feedback sincerely, rapidly and accurately, contributing to their satisfaction.
  • In the execution of business activities, continuously improve work contents and rules to maintain and improve quality.
  • In order to deliver new value to customers and society, advance innovation and seek cooperative creation with stakeholders.
  • Endeavor to create and protect intellectual property, and utilize it effectively to develop and provide products and services that are useful to society.

7. Efforts Toward the Creation of an Even Better Environment

Basic Policy

As member of the Kansai Electric Power Group, we recognize the importance of working to respond to environmental issues ranging from climate change to the advancement of resource circulation and local environmental preservation. As a business with deep connections to the environment, we are striving to reduce the environmental impacts and risks that result from our business activities. Furthermore, we seek the creation of a better environment and actively contribute to the formation of a sustainable society by providing products and services with low environmental impacts.

Code of Conduct for Individuals

  • Recognize the significance of environmental conservation, and thoroughly consider the impacts that our own work has on the environment.
  • Practice conduct in our own work that considers the environment, including resource and energy conservation.

8. Problem-Solving and Development Efforts for Local Communities

Basic Policy

In order to build a rich mutual relationship with local communities, we actively work with various stakeholders through our business activities to resolve local community issues. Furthermore, in our business activities overseas, we also contribute to the development of local communities as we consider their cultures and customs.

Code of Conduct for Individuals

  • Cooperate with local communities that have stakes in our business activities, and contribute to solving their problems and invigorating them.
  • In addition to listening for feedback from local communities, think about what you can put into practice yourself and participate actively in efforts that contribute to society.

9. Thorough Risk Management

Basic Policy

NEWJEC is a business responsible for lifelines that are indispensable to society. We thoroughly implement systematic risk management in preparation for the occurrence of incidents, disasters and other events that threaten citizen lifestyles and corporate activities, and we make certain that products and services are provided safely and stably every day.

Code of Conduct for Individuals

  • Through daily inspections and other efforts, identify factors that could lead to accidents, disasters and defects, and strive to prevent them.
  • Prepare for natural disasters, military attacks, pandemics, cyberattacks and other emergencies by anticipating them and conducting training, drills and other readiness practices.
  • In the event that an accident, natural disaster or other emergency occurs, work diligently in cooperation with all employees to achieve rapid recovery and otherwise respond. This includes conveying appropriate information to customers in society, coordinating inside and outside the company, and arranging aid supplies.

10. Executive Responsibility and Thorough Implementation of This Code

The President and all NEWJEC executives, recognizing their responsibility to implement this code, seek to build effective governance and make it understood well throughout the company. Moreover, should any incident occur that violates this code and causes a loss of trust from society, all executives will bear responsibility for responding. This includes taking the lead in resolving resulting problems, investigating the causes and preventing recurrence.

Quality, Environment,
and Information Security Guidelines

Quality and Environmental Guidelines

At NEWJEC, our corporate mission is "Connecting nature and man with technology to build a sustainable and comfortable future." To achieve that mission, we act based on our corporate philosophy: "With passion and sincerity, we will broaden our circle of confidence and trust and aspire to worldwide happiness."
On top of this, we tout putting quality first as an important part of management and have deployed quality management systems company-wide to further improve quality. In addition, each employee will strive to preserve the global environment through our environmental management systems work, creating a sustainable and comfortable future.
To make this happen, we have established the following action guidelines concerning quality and the environment.

  • Quality Management Systems (QMS) | ISO9001
  • Environmental Management Systems (EMS) | ISO14001

Action Guidelines for Quality and the Environment

  1. Establish annual quality and environmental targets, and develop and implement quality and environmental targets for each department.
  2. Analyze the achievement levels of the quality and environmental targets and results of quality management systems (QMS) and environmental management systems (EMS), along with the market and social conditions, and revise quality and quality targets as appropriate.
  3. Put forth a company-wide effort on QMS and EMS to comply with laws and regulations and to ensure that client requirements are met, thereby improving customer satisfaction.
  4. Continuously improve business processes to improve quality and environmental performance.

Information Security Guidelines

At NEWJEC, our corporate mission is "Connecting nature and people with technology to build a sustainable and comfortable future." To achieve that mission, we act based on our corporate philosophy: "With passion and sincerity, we will broaden our circle of confidence and trust and aspire to worldwide happiness."
As ICT has developed in recent years, the number of information security incidents and accidents have spiked, making information asset security and risk management more important than ever before. Thus, we must continuously strive to improve security to increase customer trust.
By establishing and maintaining an Information Security Management System (ISMS), we at NEWJEC will keep information assets secure to provide results and services that our customers and society can trust.
To make this happen, we have established the following action guidelines for information security.

  • Information Security Management System (ISMS) | ISO27001

Action Guidelines for Information Security

  1. Conduct regular risk assessments and implement appropriate physical and technical controls, taking into account asset value, threats and vulnerabilities of information assets.
  2. Observe relevant laws, regulations and contractual requirements regarding the handling of information assets.
  3. Recognize the importance of information security and continue to educate and train all stakeholders.
  4. Review as appropriate the information security guidelines and ISMS to continuously improve.


At NEWJEC, we take compliance as a major factor in determining corporate value. We have established a Compliance Office, whose director is appointed from among the company executives.
In recent years for compliance, we have implemented internal control monitoring, started compliance training sessions for employees, and instituted reminders for management.
Our internal control monitoring was rolled out for the entire organization over two 3-year periods, from fiscal 2015 to 2017, and from 2018 to 2020. For the 3-year period starting with fiscal 2021, we will continue to revise and implement our checklists to meet the rising external calls for social responsibility. In addition, we will hold informal meetings with our auditors in attendance on the status of order management (compliance with the Subcontracting Law and ensuring transparency), which is happening around the world. Also, we will encourage a free exchange of opinions on harassment and other workplace concerns.
In conjunction with monitoring, the compliance training sessions will continue to be held for all employees to raise awareness on a comprehensive range of compliance topics, including order management (compliance with the Subcontracting Law and ensuring transparency), power harassment prevention, human rights awareness, and spreading word about the Compliance Hotline.
In addition, to enhance compliance for our top management, management will be reminded by the Compliance Office Director as appropriate.

Compliance Hotline

Internal Hotline

Internal counselors are available for consultation. Consultations for female employees are fielded by female counselors.

External Hotline (KEPCO Group Hotline)

KEPCO Internal Hotline

Consultations are fielded by employees of the Compliance Promotion Group in KEPCO's Office of Compliance Promotion.

Attorney's Office

Corporate counsel at the attorney's office will field consultations.

Business Continuity Plans (BCPs)

At NEWJEC, we have developed Business Continuity Plans (BCPs) to minimize the inconvenience to customers in the unlikely event of a company disaster. In fiscal 2020, a new BCP was devised for wind and water damage given the frequency of water ingress damage, and in fiscal 2021, the existing BCP for earthquakes was revised. With regard to damage from water ingress in particular, we are making various preparations to keep operations running in the event that the Yodo River floodwall near our Osaka Headquarters is destroyed. We have also made our BCPs even more effective by adding infection prevention measures against pandemics.

The goals and priorities of a BCP are:
1) To ensure the lives and safety of employees and their families
2) Business continuity and rapid recovery
3) To help customers and local communities rebuild
In particular, a disaster response team has been arranged for 3) to meet the needs of society.

Learn more
about the Disaster Response Team (JEC force)

BCP, Disaster Response Team